Saturday 26 November 2016

Friday Finds: The Young Elites

Hi bookworms!
I know today is Saturday, not Friday, but yesterday I was seriously swamped with work and did not get a chance to write this post, so here I am..better late than never I guess?

Anyway, lets get down to business..
Friday Finds is a weekly feature brought to you by Jenn over at A Daily Rhythm and it involves talking about a book (or series in the case of today's post) that you have recently 'discovered' and added to your shelf or TBR.

This week's find is:

 The Young Elites series by Marie Lu. I have known about this series for a while now, I have seen people feature the books on their bookstagrams as well as posts on their blogs. But as I have only really just started getting into the world of fantasy I have only just read what the books are about and decided that they sound awesome and I really want to read them! They have therefore been added to my Goodreads "To-Read" shelf and hopefully ill get to read them soon!

The Young ElitesGoodreads || Book Depository || Amazon
The Rose Society: Goodreads || Book Depository || Amazon
The Midnight Star: Goodreads || Book Depository || Amazon

Has anyone read these books?? What did you think of them?? I would love to hear your thoughts on the series in the comments below! Also leave me a link to your own Friday Finds posts so I can go and have a look at the books that you have discovered this week :)

Thanks for popping in and reading this week's Friday Finds! Until next time, happy reading!

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  1. I read the first book about a year ago, and enjoyed it. But I never got around to picking up book two! I've heard that the rest of the series is really good though, so I'm going to have to finish it! :)

    1. Thank you for commenting!
      It sounds like a really good series! I will get to it one year I hope, my TBR pile is massive so I need to get it under control I just keep discovering all these new books to read, I think I am doomed haha
      Happy Reading!
